Tuesday 1 March 2016

My Online Portfolio

I used the website Wix.com to start making an online portfolio. I had previously made a portfolio when I was studying at A Level however this was very informal and unprofessional:
The love hearts background looks too childish. Moreover the Disney castle on the homepage is completely irrelevant to me (although I love Disney, I haven't actually worked on any of their media).

I have changed my portfolio to look much more professional, and following the conventions that were demonstrated throughout my research. I have used much more professional, Serif fonts. I have kept the colour scheme neutral, with black, white and grey, rather than using my favourite colours pink and purple. Unlike my personal social media accounts, this is strictly for professional purposes, therefore doesn't necessarily need to show off all my favourite things. I have left space on my homepage to put a show reel, I just need to make one now.

At the moment I have put a selfie on my About Me page, since I don't have any professional head shots, or other professional pictures of myself. I still struggle to write about myself, therefore I've left the placeholder text there for the time being.

I have started working on my portfolio, organising the videos into different sections. I still need to make more videos in each sections so that I looks like I appear to be well rounded.

I have also left space for potential clients or anyone else to contact me. The template provides social media links, however I don't think I'd want everyone to be directed to my personal accounts. I could possibly provide a link to my Flickr page, because this would demonstrate my interest and skills in photography, although this isn't directly linked to editing, it's still media related. Once I become more established in my field, I would like to make a professional Twitter account, to discuss media related topics, such as possibly reviewing films. 

Finally there is a section to write blog posts. In our previous workshops it was suggested that we start writing blogs. I attempted to write my first post on a music video that I found inspiring. However I found it quite difficult to write about why I like it, in terms of editing. I could perhaps just write general posts about my opinions, however this could appear irrelevant to the rest of the portfolio.

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