Thursday 7 April 2016


The advice we were given in our workshops suggested that we should create a LinkedIn profile in order to get in contact with various industry professionals. I have created an account and been trying to get used to the platform for the last few weeks.

On my profile I have used a shot of myself, in passport size, which I thought looked quite professional since it's against a white background. My headline states that I'm a "Media Student at the University of Sussex" because I'm not currently in employment, yet it shows I am working towards my qualification in media. This could potentially attract employers who are seeking graduates or current students. My summary says that I'm seeking a job in video editing, in order to attract companies that might be hiring in that field. Furthermore, my profile shows my employment history. As of yet I've only had one paid job which was in the Disney Store in London. This may not be directly related to media, yet it demonstrates my experience in a working environment, in which I gained transferable skills such as time management and precise organisation. 

So far I have found the website useful in finding careers that are available in the media field. Just out of curiousity, I searched for jobs at Pixar in the US, and found that there is a Sussex Alumni who works there. I am currently following large media corporations such as Sky and Comedy Central, and I've been vigilant towards their job listings. I've also followed much smaller companies such as FatSand films in Brighton, in case they have any opportunities I can get potentially get involved in.

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