Wednesday 3 February 2016

Lecture 1

In the lecture today we were provided with information regarding the placement that we will undertake this term. The purpose of the placement is to learn about field, not just to do it. I am interested in becoming a video editior, so this means I must find a placement where I will learn about what the job role entails, not necessarily gaining experience in editing. It should be a maximum of 20 hours, however this is flexible. Seeing that it's not a very long time period, hopefully employers shouldn't mind giving up that small amount of time in order to teach me about the role.

We were also informed of some skills and knowledge that is specifically revelant to the Media Sector:
  • Knowledge of social media
  • Specialised skills
  • Decrease in large companies
  • Contact small media companies directly - don't just look for vacancies 
  • industry routes
  • Attend careers event - Make it happen
I feel like I should start looking for placements as soon as possible, since it can be very competitive to get a job. I will look for small video production companies that are located in Brighton. However if that fails I will also look for places in London, as I could do my placement over the Easter break.

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